We’ve paired with MPP Jessica Bell to find out what the market is most worried about as we approach the long winter months.
Please take our survey so we can better inform the official opposition on what the market needs to help us survive the pandemic this winter
MPP Jessica Bell Small Business Round Table
Tomorrow there will be a Small Business RoundTable, with guests MPP Catherine Fife, Official Opposition Critic for Economic Growth and Job Creation and John Kiru, Executive Director of TABIA (Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas).
We will be discussing the impact of the pandemic on local business, the governments’ response, and the ONDP’s Save Main Street plan.
We are losing our “Main Streets” which threatens our economy, our jobs, and the vibrancy of our neighbourhoods. That’s why the ONDP is calling for:
- A ban on all evictions, lockouts or eviction threats by commercial landlords until the pandemic ends
- A utility payment freeze for small and medium-sized businesses
- A stand-alone emergency 75 per cent commercial rent subsidy, up to $10,000 per month
- A fund for businesses that face historic barriers
The virtual gathering will be held on Thursday October 22nd
If you would like to join in the conversation please register here.
If you have questions in advance of the Round Table, please submit them by email to jbell-co@ndp.on.ca.