Jazz Festival


3 days of Toronto Jazz in the heritage neighbourhood Kensington Market.

  • Friday September 29
  • Saturday September 30
  • Sunday October 1


The Toronto jazz scene, in one of the city’s most vibrant neighbourhoods and in the heart of Toronto’s heritage district. Over the last three years, KMJF has presented over 320 concerts, with over 500 musicians, 25 venues and the help of over 150 volunteers.The Kensington Market Jazz Festival is proud to be an artist-driven, volunteer-fueled festival that has been met with overwhelming support. KMJF wishes to honour the history in the market and strives to ensure that our vision remains in-tune with that of Kensington Market.Come and join in on the excitement!

Contact + Links

This is organized by Molly Johnson + KMJF team — If you have any questions about this event or to get involved, please get in touch via:


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